Import SRT Subtitles to
Adobe Premiere
Pro CC 2017 or up

Interface / 界面语言
- All languages in macOS are supported
- Interface: English
- 界面:简体中文
- Interface: 繁體中文
Adboe Premiere Pro CC 2017/up
- Make a title template in Pr/在Pr创建一个字幕模板
- Export sequence to Final cut pro XML/在Pr里将序列导出为FCP XML
- Drag the xml and srt files to Pr Titles/将xml和srt文件拖入Pr Titles
- Export a new xml for Pr to import/导出新的xml,然后导入到Pr
System requirement系统要求
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017/2018/2019/2020
- macOS 10.10/up 或以上
Pr Titles 中文视频教程
Screenshots / 软件截图
Bug Report / 报告软件问题
   Please send email to 110690966@qq.com, attach your SRT file and XML file.
   请您将srt文件和xml文件发邮件到 110690966@qq.com