
Best for Final Cut Pro
- Get FCP sequences directly
- Change fonts for FCP subtitles
- No xml outputs and inputs
- Inherit fonts from FCP
- Support 2 lines of FCP subtitles
- Outline Text support
- Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 or up

Easy to use
- Simple and intuitive interface
- Helps everywhere
- Play timecode like magic
- Subtile preview(Nor for Monitor)

Mac OS Platform
- Leopard 10.5.x
- Snow Leopard 10.6.x
- Lion 10.7.x
- Mountain Lion 10.8.x
- Mavericks 10.9.x
- Yosemite 10.10.x
- Intel or PowerPC Mac

Various In/Outputs
- Input/Output XML for FCP
- Input/Output FCPXML for FCP X 10.x.x
- Input/Output SRT for youTube
- Output STL for DVD Studio Pro
- Output Text Script for Adobe Encore

Video and Audio Formats
- QuickTime
- Most AVI files
- Windows media files (.wma and .wmv

Various workflows
- Spacebar to timecode
- Multi Languages
- Typing scripts
- Timecode transform
- DVD subtitling

- F6 for single timecode
- Hit Spacebar twice for IN and OUT
- Hit spacebar for just IN
- Hit, hold and release for IN and OUT

Flexible Editor
- Full feature plain text editor
- Line break for paragraph
- Load text file from Win or Mac
- Copy, cut, paste, undo and redo

Error Timecode
- Red or yellow underline for misorder or same timecode
- Prompt error when exporting
- Ignore subtitle with no timecode when exporting

Accrate timecode adjustment
- Timecode auto detecting
- Timecode jumping up or down arrow key
- timecode adjust left or right arrow key
- delete only the timecode
- Timecode adjustment when video playing

Play controls
- Full feature Controls
- Tab to play/pause, Shift+Tab backward,Ctrl+Tab forward

Easy helps
- FinalSub help menu
- Video tutorials

Some feature are not ready in Version 1.x.x
Read the License Agreement carefully
You have to pay 70% of Finalsub if you lost the USB dongle.
1 year warrenty for USB Dongle and old dongle for exchange
Beyond warrenty or damaged by unnormal use in warrenty, you have to pay US$100 for dongle exchange.