Read your corrupted,
jumbled, messy
plain text document
like txt, srt, xml, stl
ssa, scc, sub, tts, etc.

About Corrupted Text Reader
Can’t open your text files in TextEdit, Microsoft Word or iWork Pages? Getting jumbled or unrecognisable text when opening text files? All words are messy or corrupted?
Most problems come from text encoding. With Corrupted Text Opener, just drop the file in and save it with UTF-8 encoding, then you can open it anywhere, Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.
—-Support all the language that Mac OS supported.
--Open almost any kind of plain text file, no matter what text encoding is.
--Plain text files with extension txt, xml, srt, scc, SUB, pac, SST, SON, SSA, ASS, SMI,PSB,PJS,STL,TTS,VSF,ZEG -etc. are supported.
--some Doc and rtf files are supported as plain text.
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